MAGNABLOG: The Most Common Symptoms of Inflammatory Pain and How to Move Forward Naturally with Q Magnets
Dear friends & colleagues,
One of the things I get asked to talk about most often is recognition of inflammatory pain conditions. My usual starting point is that if these conditions are not in your diagnosis or you are unaware how they present then they are going to slip the net.
The first step is recognition that something is a little different, so below I have outlined factors to recognize systemic inflammatory symptoms based on the quagmire of variations that we have seen in our clients.
The onset of systemic inflammatory pain conditions is quite often insidious, but can be related to viral illness such as gastro-enteritis or even sexually transmitted infections.
The onset of symptoms peaks between 20-40 years of age for inflammatory pain and 30-60 years of age for chronic pain, but onset outside of these ranges is not uncommon.
Worse on waking
With inflammatory pain, symptoms (joint pain and stiffness) are often at their worst first thing in the morning, lasting for over 30 minutes and improving after being up and about. The time frame is important, osteoarthritis for example is commonly aggravated in the morning but usually for less than 15 minutes. So do record the time accurately to provide better information to your therapist.
Night pain
Onset of pain in the second half of the night (after 2 am say), especially if the individual has to get out of bed and move around to ease the symptoms.
Unlike the more typical types of musculoskeletal problems which present in clinic, chronic pain symptoms tend to better with activity and worse with rest. Look for clues such as worse when working at a desk or during car journeys, much better when just “keeping active” or no symptoms when in the gym.
Swelling without trauma either transient or prolonged of the synovial joints is another clue that there might be something inflammatory going on. Especially looking for redness, heat and multiple joints affected particularly of the hands and/or feet can lead you down a path to ask more questions.
How do you stay pain free?
Pain is mostly an alarm, it’s your body’s natural way of telling you there is dysfunction. There are some very effective drugs designed to turn off your alarms (pain), but is this the best course of action for your long term health?
Your diet and lifestyle has a profound affect upon any chronic illness. Where the causes of pain are generally from dis-ease such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, degeneration and inflammation as opposed to injury, then this is where nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle factors are going to have their greatest impact. If you are dependent upon anti-inflammatory drugs and/or immuno-suppressant drugs, the use of dietary and lifestyle strategies will still be most beneficial for your symptoms.
Q Magnets, a Natural Pain Solution
Unsurprisingly, inflammatory pain symptoms are often improved with anti-inflammatories, look for those individuals that can’t cope without regular doses of ibuprofen or naproxen. However, on a quest to find natural pain relief and reduce the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, we developed Q Magnets.
Q Magnets are optimized magnetic field therapy products which allow targeting various pain conditions based on decades of magnetic therapy research, safely, non-invasively and drug-free.
For those new to magnetic field therapy, we recommend a Q Bonus Package or a Q Blanket as a starting point to self-manage pain effectively with static magnetic fields (SMFs).
The Q Blankets provide whole-body magnetic field therapy treatment during sleep-time which is the traditional time for the body to heal. They can also be used as magnetic mattress pads so you can sleep on top of them and hopefully see a substantial improvements in your sleep quality and pain levels.
The Active Athlete Q Bonus Package comes with the OF50-3, which is the world's largest Octapolar therapeutic magnet and also has other options for most common joint pain areas such as ankles, knees, wrists, neck and back.
We hope you find our research and developments beneficial. If you're a health and wellness professional or clinic, please get in touch with us to learn more about our referral program and distributor pricing. We’ll be happy to share our knowledge and experience with Q Magnets for your patients suffering from acute, chronic, complex or repetitive pain.
As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions, we look forward to serving you well!
Thank you!
James Hermans
Co-inventor & Managing Director
How to Use Q Magnets
Our how-to-use page contains magnet advice for various body parts and also has several protocols for self-managing your pain naturally with biomagnetic therapy. Learn how to apply Q magnets for a variety of painful conditions - how to choose, where to place them and more!
Q Magnets Case Studies in the Medical Acupuncture Journal
A recent article published in the Medical Acupuncture Journal shows the potential of multipolar magnets for pain relief. The authors studied a recent series of cases submitted from the practices of 4 different medical acupuncturists and concluded that if static magnetic field therapy is properly employed, it can be an effective and safe modality for treating pain.
We are often asked… “Which side of the magnet do I apply, the north or south pole?”
A more important question however… “Does using the north or south pole actually make any difference for pain relief?”
Read this article to learn more about this debate that has been dragging from decades now but we can finally put the controversy to rest with scientific evidence.
The Role of Sympathetic Nervous System in Chronic Pain and Q Magnets Application
The SNS can play a major role in sustaining chronic pain. Particularly in the case of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CPRS), formerly known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), where you also see symptoms such as burning pain and physical changes in skin colour, texture and hair and nail growth. Learn how Q Magnets can help.