MAGNABLOG: Lesser Pain with Integrative Pain Relief Strategies; Q Magnets for Golf Performance; Low Back Pain & More!
Hello Everyone,
We hope your weekend was perfect and the week is proving to be fruitful.
We’ve been busy on our mission of 15 years (so far) to research and help educate the planet on the issues of acute and chronic pain and application of magnetic field therapy.
The Problem of Pain & Why Integrative Pain Relief Strategies
People in pain don't need any more "pain awareness". They are aware of their pain 24/7 or close to it. But if they're like most pain patients, they need more awareness of pain treatment options. That's because most physicians, including pain specialists, limit the options and will tell patients about pharmaceutical and surgical options. And pain is not just a pharmaceutical or surgical deficiency.
Pain is a complex topic and the definition of chronic pain can vary quite a bit. It’s most commonly described as pain from an injury or illness that lasts longer than the expected time frame, whether that’s six weeks or six months. It can also be persistent pain from a primary medical condition, such as cancer, diabetes (as with neuropathy), autoimmune conditions, or other disorders. In addition, there are some pain conditions that we have given names to, such as fibromyalgia, that describe ongoing musculoskeletal pain that is not necessarily related to any injury.
At its core, all pain consists of two main components: the unpleasant physical sensations that we experience in our body, and the emotional response that we have to those sensations. Our emotional response to pain may be the most important determinant as to how long we continue to experience pain. In the case of pain that did not originate with an injury, we may have learned patterns of movement or thinking that are contributing to ongoing pain sensations.
Since chronic pain is an internal experience with a strong emotional component, it can’t actually be diagnosed using conventional diagnostic tools such as MRIs, blood tests, or other technologies. There are a variety of pain scales that physicians can use to get a sense of how much pain a patient is experiencing, but pain is ultimately personal and therefore is impossible to measure objectively.
In conventional Western medicine, very little attention is paid to the emotional component of chronic pain and to the role that the mind plays in the experience of chronic pain. To take a typical example, if someone suffers from recurring back pain following a car accident and goes to a conventional doctor, he or she will most likely be prescribed a strong narcotic such as hydrocodone or oxycodone. There are some serious limitations to this approach.
Furthermore, there is little scientific data showing that narcotic drugs are effective in relieving chronic musculoskeletal pain on a long-term basis. Unfortunately, many of the painkillers prescribed for chronic pain can cause more health problems for those taking them. Narcotics are also highly addictive, and once someone has been taking them for any length of time, it can be very difficult to wean off of them due to physical tolerance. There are other medications that can be prescribed for pain, besides narcotics; however, they are not without potential side effects that need to be considered.
Integrative pain relief techniques include hands-on therapies, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, mind-body techniques, exercise, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. Q Magnets are also a great integrative pain relief option that may offer natural (non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical) temporary pain relief.
So instead of reaching for the systemic aspirin and/or anti-inflammatory, why not use Q magnets specifically over the affected areas?
At the heart of a Q Magnet is a single body multipolar static magnet with alternating poles. The unique and patented design of our multipolar magnets produce steep magnetic field gradients which is the key to their rapid pain relieving effect.
Q Magnets..
Are Totally Safe, Drug Free, Non-Invasive Pain Relief Breakthrough
Can be Effective on Acute or Chronic Pain
Can Relieve Pain Within Minutes
Do Not Impede Your Lifestyle at All
Are an Economical Once-Off Purchase, with No Expensive On-going Costs
Last for Decades
Were Developed by Medical Doctors for Pain Management.
Come with our 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
You won’t find magnetic jewelry, braces or magnetic therapy wraps with a nice story on our website. You will only find products and information based on published research and the genuine experience of hundreds of happy customers, sports stars and health professionals. Why no braces or wraps? Because everyone and their pain is different! It's important that magnets be placed optimally and correct dosage is applied. Therefore, Q Magnets are for those who want the real deal.
We generally recommend the Active Athlete set or the Complex Back Pain set at the very least to get a set of magnets that can help you target most pain areas. Our Q Blankets range, which are magnetic mattress pads (can be placed under the body on the bed), are the most soothing pain relieving experience ever!
For health practitioners, tele-health has become a new way of delivering services, you can easily help your patients to self-manage pain even in isolation by joining our practitioner program. Simply write to us and we’ll be happy to introduce you to our referral and practitioner program.
I hope you find the articles in this newsletter beneficial in understanding magnetic field therapy and Q Magnets better. Please reach out to us if you have any questions, we'll be happy to assist you!
Warm wishes,
Team Q Magnets
Improve Golf Performance with Q Magnets
Learn about golf injuries such as back pain, rotator cuff injury, tennis/golf elbow, tendinitis and knee pain and Q Magnet application.
Iliopsoas, trigger point therapy and Magnetic field therapy
Experience with Q Magnets from Therapist of Natural Medicine
Magnetic Field Therapy for Low Back Pain
Thanks for reading,
Q magnets