Dear friends and colleagues,
How do you stay pain free?
Pain is mostly an alarm, it’s your body’s natural way of telling you there is dysfunction. There are some very effective drugs designed to turn off your alarms (pain), but is this the best course of action for your long term health?
Your diet and lifestyle has a profound affect upon any chronic illness. Where the causes of pain are generally from dis-ease such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, degeneration and inflammation as opposed to injury, then this is where nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle factors are going to have their greatest impact. If you are dependent upon anti-inflammatory drugs and/or immuno-suppressant drugs, the use of dietary and lifestyle strategies will still be most beneficial for your symptoms.
Although there have been many surgical and pharmacological advances in decades past, the truth is there have been few advances in the treatment of chronic pain in the last 20 years.
In what appears to be a perfect storm of problems associated with many different types of pharmaceutical approaches to chronic pain relief, there has never been a better time to encourage governments and health institutions, and of course patients, to re-evaluate alternative approaches.
Remember, it’s never too late to hit “re-start” or to redefine your priorities. If you’re facing a slump – whether personal, professional, or creative… Consider Q Magnets as permission for a reset for pain problems.
Do magnets really work for chronic pain relief?
The answer is yes and no. No, it won’t work if you use ineffective magnets or place them incorrectly on the body. Yes, it may work to provide substantial and/or instant pain relief. Therefore, with some knowledge and practice, it is worth trying chronic pain treatment with magnetic therapy.
It’s important to note that its now accepted scientifically that bipolar magnets used in magnetic therapy jewelry like magnetic bracelets are largely ineffective for chronic pain management. (1)
A recent study by a veteran acupuncturist shows the true potential of optimized multipolar magnets in acupuncture and treatment of knee pain:
“..Climbing stairs required 1 step at a time to wait for the pain to subside. Countless consultations with medical specialists that included, physical therapy, acupuncture, pain medication, and other rehabilitation techniques had given him no benefit.
Then I tried magnets. Two octapolar magnets were fastened on the anterior and posterior knee area with adhesive tape. The treatment duration was∼24 hours. Dramatic results occurred; his pain was completely absent and his limp resolved. His range of motion was normal. This patient could practically run up and down stairs without pain or spasms.
It is now 7 months post-treatment without any signs of relapsing. He continues to ambulate normally and has discontinued all pain medication. The 2 magnets I used, each had a penetration of 35 mm over 1.4 inches and were octapolar (Octapolar OF50-3, Q Magnets..)”
Richard C. Niemtzow. Medical Acupuncture. Apr 2022.81-82. Published in Volume: 34 Issue 2: April 19, 2022. doi
In 1991, scientists from the Department of Neurology, Vanderbilt Medical University Centre, Tennessee, USA, published one of the key research papers that showed us that multi-polar magnet configurations are required to produce blockade of sensory neuron action potentials, or the pain messaging. (1)
The first generation of Quadrapolar magnets were developed by Neurologist, Dr Robert Holcomb M.D. PhD. and were comprised of four separate bipolar magnets assembled into a Quadrapolar array. The four magnets were then encased in a plastic housing. The field gradient which is the change in magnetic field strength over distance is strongest where the individual magnets touched.
To get a better understanding of therapeutic magnets that work for pain relief, please see this article on magnetic therapy.
The Original Information Guide by Dr Robert Holcomb, MD, PhD and Barbie McCullough, RN.
Contains descriptions and pictures of basic placements for Q Magnet devices. 48 pages.
We’ve expanded on the work of Dr. Holcomb’s original design and studied his experiments to further improve the effects of multi-polar magnetic field therapy for chronic pain. See How Q Magnets Work for more detailed information. Our new 2023 information guide is available now as well and shipped complementary with all Q Bonus Packages!
Our very best - The Active Athlete set & Q Blankets
We would recommend getting the Active Athlete Set or the Q Blankets to have the best options for magnetic rehab. The Q Blankets would be easier to use as one can simply lie on top of them. Q Magnets are used in 60+ countries and all orders over $250 will be shipped free worldwide with express delivery services.
We hope you find this newsletter useful and will try this high quality Australian Made product.
As always, you're welcome to contact us if you have any questions. We do our best to support our Q magnets users, practitioners and distributors. So don’t hesitate to contact us!
With Gratitude,
James Hermans
Managing Director & Co-founder