MAGNABLOG: Dowsing, Divining and Magnetic fields; Q Magnets Application and Research for Near-Instant Pain Relief
Hello Everyone,
Did you know that a dowser, walking along divining for water, is actually sensing changes in the earth’s magnetic field?
Dowser holding a divining rod while searching for underground water. (Illustration from Abbe´ de Vallemont’s Treatise on the divining rod, Paris, 1693).
The following is an extract from the book…
Andra, W. and H. Nowak (2007). Magnetism in Medicine: A Handbook. , Wiley-VCH. Pg 19. Available at Amazon.
“Research indicates that humans are sensitive to small changes in magnetic field gradients, but not to the overall magnetic field (Rocard, 1964). Evidence supporting this has come from studies of the dowser reflex.
A dowser, a person holding firmly onto a divining rod (see Fig. 1.12) will, under certain physical conditions, experience a force which results in an involuntary upward or downward movement of their rod. To skeptics the movement appears illusory, to believers it appears magical, but the effect has been consistently reported over the past 70 years by a number of authors. In the most-often performed experiment, a group of dowsers was made to walk along the same stretch of street. At points within 1 or 2 m of each other, they all had their divining rods pulled down to the earth.
Magnetic field measurements have shown that the dowser reflex occurs when the dowser passes through a region where the Earth’s magnetic field is not entirely uniform. This field anomaly produces a magnetic field gradient, which must exceed 0.1 mOe m_1 (8 mA m_2) to be detected. The speed with which the dowser passes through this field gradient also influences their magnetic reception. The dowser must pass through a 0.1 mOe m_1 field gradient within at least 1 s in order to detect it. Furthermore, the detection level can be increased by adding up the small differences in field gradients. Higher magnetic field gradients, however, lead to saturation and can only be detected by moving faster. Of additional interest is Rocard’s notion that although most people are sensitive, a good dowser has a more accurate and rapid reflex than the bad dowser.”
If you were able to shrink right down to miniature size and move across the surface of a common bipolar magnet, there would be no change in the magnetic field and it’s said to be uniform or “homogeneous”. Whereas, if you were able to walk across a Quadrapolar magnet, there would be large changes and the magnetic field is said to be non-uniform or “inhomogeneous” and produce magnetic field gradients.
One of the key factors in optimising static magnetic fields for therapeutic effects is incorporating magnetic field gradients which require multipolar magnets.
During the last three decades the interest toward clinical application of magnetic and electromagnetic stimulation increased worldwide. Numerous publications have discussed the possibility of applying magnetic fields for beneficial effects on various biological processes, which are of critical importance for healing of different injuries and pathologies.
Today, magnetic field therapy research shows benefits in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and post-surgical, post traumatic and chronic wounds, reduction of edema, pain and stress relief, and thus contribute to healing processes.
The application of magnetic fields should be facilitated by establishing the exact dosimetry and by searching for biophysical mechanisms of action, as well. It should be remembered that ‘‘not all magnets are equal’’, therefore the specific medical problem requires a proper diagnostics, a selection of the magnetic field to be applied and a design of the appropriate protocol for treatment.
Q Magnets are some of the world’s most powerful and advanced therapeutic magnets for pain relief. As world leaders in magnetic therapy research and development and having worked with pioneering scientists since 1999, we’re thrilled to present our knowledge and magnet therapy products for helping you find natural pain relief. Our therapeutic magnets are research proven to relieve most pain in 4 minutes
Do Q Magnets really work?
Most magnetic products description of their mechanism of action revolves around the interaction of the magnetic field with the iron of hemoglobin in the blood and a resulting increase in circulation. While this may be true, our patented magnetic design, provides increased circulation but most importantly provides a proven and scientifically validated mechanism for blocking pain.
The Q Magnets are a revolutionary way to relieve pain. Q magnets..
have been developed by neurologists, physiotherapists and acupuncturists in collaboration.
are the first therapeutic magnets backed by both basic scientific research and
extensive clinical pain management experience.
utilize an exclusive second generation Quadrapolar technology, the first generation was used extensively and researched by a major university – Division of Neuromagnetics, Department of Neurology at Vanderbilt University Medical Centre.
are developed, tested and used by health professionals around the world.
are compact and extremely strong and generate a very steep magnetic field gradient. The Q Blankets mattress pads in addition provide supreme comfort and melt pain and stress.
After many years of testing, research and clinic trials the unique Quadrapolar design was discovered that is truly effective at blocking pain. Have a look at Q Magnets reviews on Facebook, Google and our website to see how they’ve supported many across the globe.
We’ve worked with national and international sports players and their physiotherapists, veteran doctors, open-minded acupuncturists and physiotherapists and thousands of people in Australia and world-over to consistently improve our products and services.
We find that people living with poorly managed chronic pain, or who are coping with treatment side effects, want to avoid surgery or want to reduce their reliance on pharmaceutical medicine greatly benefit with magnetic field therapy. Those suffering from acute pain may also experience near-instant pain relief that will enable them to avoid the potential pitfalls of pharmaceuticals.
We hope you find our research and developments beneficial.
If you're a health and wellness professional or clinic, feel free to reach out to us to receive a free practitioner reference guide and learn more about our referral program and distributor programs.
As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Team Q Magnets
PS – If you’re an existing customer, did you know we provide a 20% discount on your next purchase for completing our feedback process?
How to use Q Magnets
Learn how to apply Q magnets. The page includes application basics, knowledge of various Q magnet products and a body map with links to pages with Q magnets prescription for the specific body part (from head to toes).
Also on this page is our ever-growing collection of discussions on Q Magnets application and pain treatment protocols based on acupuncture and physiotherapy case studies and research.
Ankle Pain Treatment with Q Magnets
Read this page to see how Q magnets can be applied for pain in the ankles and help you return to your feet and regular activities faster.
Trigeminal Neuralgia and TMJ Pain
Trigeminal Neuralgia is a relatively rare, but serious condition we have been tracking with Q magnets use for over 10 years with over 30 cases. While our experiences are still anecdotal, there are enough successful cases to show it's well worth considering.
Recently the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association Australia published an article about Q magnets, as a treatment that may help manage chronic pain. The article also quotes one of our Newsletters in its entirety, so we do our best to provide a complete understanding!
Learn how Q Magnets can be applied to the temperomandibular joint (TMJ):
Dermatomes are areas of the skin that are innervated by the sensory fibers that stem from a specific nerve root in the spine. Q Magnets are used by targeting the original injury site and then treating centrally over the spine at the nerve root.
Read this article to learn how dermatomes affect Q Magnet application for treating chronic and persistent pain.
Australian cricketer Shane Watson used Q Magnets to get back bowling and batting sooner
Shane Watson with Q Magnets inventors, James & Dianne Hermans
Shane was recommended to try Q Magnets by a top sports physiotherapist, Victor Popov, to help overcome some difficult injuries that were not responding to normal treatment. We made the effort to personally deliver them and go through some other applications such as bruising. Read this page for the full story:
Q Magnets Shop
Our international shop provides Q Bonus Packages, Q Blankets and individual Q magnets as per your requirement. The Q Bonus Packages are designed to get you a decent set of Q magnets with options that include our smallest to largest magnet selections. We ship worldwide and most orders are delivered 5-10 days.